THE LINE - Four Projections
Långström Minna
Who’s stories have been told?
“I want to have…., I love….., I don’t have…!” Provoked by a line in the film Persona by Ingmar Bergman, a woman dreams about the complexity of projections and their origins. In her dream the woman witnesses the rehearsal of a scene in Persona, where Ingmar Bergman is directing the actor Bibi Anderson. The Line -four projections discusses the way film has played its part in constructing various feminine mythical personifications and how women in man made film history so often are described in terms of their relation to children. This is an account of one woman coming to terms with her own non-motherhood, and in the process shedding off the layers influenced by stories about women which are not stories about women. The film features some of the actual equipemt used in the making of Persona.
13 works