Maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there

Lecklin Johanna

The piece is a portrait of a narcissist. His boss and colleagues admire him and his ex-wife, mistress and girlfriend tell their view of him. The film consists of monologues performed in the form of tableau vivants that refer to art historical compositions. A possible crime story is built up by the testimonies of the people around the man.

Production Year
Original Title
Vaikka voit kenties myös vaistota, että elämäntyylimme ovat melko lailla samanlaiset, minua ei yksinkertaisesti ole
Finnish Title

Vaikka voit kenties myös vaistota, että elämäntyylimme ovat melko lailla samanlaiset, minua ei yksinkertaisesti ole

English Title

Maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there

Production Countries
Johanna Lecklin (Author), Michael Gustafsson (Cinematographer), Johanna Lecklin (Director), Johanna Lecklin (Script), Lasse Lecklin (Still Photography), Kata Launonen (costumer), Simo Sulva (set decorator), Jon Grönvall (set decorator), Salvador Alogo (Actor), William Blomberg (Actor), Sofia Lehtola (Actor), Maija Nurmio (Actor), Maria Palmu (Actor), Pelle Heikkilä (Actor), Ilkka Hämäläinen (Actor), Salla Kozma (Actor), Nea Salminen (Camera Assistant), Henna Riikonen (Catering), Fruitcake Helsinki Oy (Color Grading), Lauri Porra (Composer), Johanna Lecklin (Editor), Elena Näsänen / AVEK (Funder), Föreningen Konstsamfundet (Funder), Svenska Kulturfonden (Funder), Oskar Öflunds stiftelse (Funder), Mika Lehikoinen (Lighting), Johanna Lecklin / Johanna Works (Production Company), Lauri Porra (Sound Design), Johanna Lecklin (Sound Design), Anders Pohjola (Sound Recording), Fruitcake Helsinki Oy (Special effects), Hannele Vahtera / Saga Vera Oy (Translator), Samuli Kauppila / Saga Vera Oy (Translator)
Press Photos
Johanna Lecklin (b. 1972) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 2003 and studied in London at the Slade School of Fine Art, in UCL. Lecklin works with video and photography. Her video work is based on documentary, narrativity and performativity. Lecklin’s works have been presented in numerous exhibitions in Finland and abroad, including the City States exhibition at Liverpool Biennial (2010) and It’s a Setup at Contemporary Art Museum Kiasma in Helsinki (2010).

28 works