Survival Guide for a Post-Apocalyptic Child (U)

Rönkkö Nastja Säde

U is for universe and just that. When someone becomes your universe, it might be dangerous or not. You might struggle when your universe collapses or expands, or fits into just one song. Survival Guide for a Post-Apocalyptic Child (U) is part of Nastja Säde Rönkkö’s 26-part video series, based on the 26 letters of the alphabet.

Production Year
Original Title
Survival Guide for a Post-Apocalyptic Child (U)
Finnish Title

Selviytymisopas maailmanlopun lapselle (U)

English Title

Survival Guide for a Post-Apocalyptic Child (U)

Production Countries
Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Author), Aake Kivalo (Cinematographer), Timo Kaukolampi (Composer), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Director), Heli Kota (Editor), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Script), Timo Kaukolampi (Sound Design), Daniel Morales (Actor), Paloma Hurtado (Actor), Lönnström Art Museum (Funder), Suomen Kulttuurirahasto (Funder), The Finnish Cultural Institute in Madrid (Funder)
Press Photos
Nastja Säde Rönkkö (b. 1985) is an artist living in London and Helsinki. She works with video, performance, installation, participatory art, internet and text. She has exhibited and performed internationally in places such as Somerset House, London, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, SXSW, Austin, TX, Royal Academy of Arts, London, FACT, Foundation for Art and Technology, Liverpool and Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki. Recent solo exhibitions include for those yet to be, EMMA Museum of Modern Art, Espoo, Finland (2020), Altered Breaths, Future Feelings at Tampere Art Museum, Finland and for your charred bones and restless soul, Aboa Vetus, Art Nova, Turku, Finland (2019). She is the 35th recipient of the Young Artist of the Year 2019 title and award. Forthcoming projects include Glasgow International ja XXV Mänttä Art Festival 2021.

36 works