Milk & Decay

Rönkkö Nastja Säde

In Milk and Decay, a slow female voice intones the names of the months, from one July to the next, describing each month in poetic terms, rich with emotion and imagery that alludes to a recent disaster and its fallout: "Gentle hearts hurt the most. Millions of gallons of black gold." The language switches from an assessment of the physical surroundings: "soil that bled", to an analysis of internal states: "The black dot in our soul", setting up a correspondence between human states and the condition of the planet. In Milk and Decay, lungs turn "plastic" as the voiceover lists the names of supermarkets from different countries, read out from shopping bags. But not all is lost. The work names species known for their ability to survive even the most virulent attacks. Such resilient creatures include cockroaches, coyotes, which even "multiply with death", and fungi, which colonise the newly transformed world. Between the hilly and the flat, things might carry on as normal, but by portraying life at the extremes, Rönkkö stages a reckoning with life’s fragility, with the potential of its imminent demise. - Ellen Mara de Wachter

Production Year
Original Title
Milk & Decay
English Title

Milk & Decay

Production Countries
Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Author), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Cinematographer), Iris Kärkkäinen (Cinematographer), Timo Kaukolampi (Composer), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Director), Heli Kota (Editor), Rosaliina Paavilainen (Editor), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Editor), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Producer), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Script), Timo Kaukolampi (Sound Design), Nicole Morris (Actor), Lempi Prevett (Actor), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Actor), Chris Vardala (Actor), Suomen Kulttuurirahasto (Funder), Tampereen taidemuseo (Funder)
Nastja Säde Rönkkö (b. 1985) is an artist living in London and Helsinki. She works with video, performance, installation, participatory art, internet and text. She has exhibited and performed internationally in places such as Somerset House, London, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, SXSW, Austin, TX, Royal Academy of Arts, London, FACT, Foundation for Art and Technology, Liverpool and Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki. Recent solo exhibitions include for those yet to be, EMMA Museum of Modern Art, Espoo, Finland (2020), Altered Breaths, Future Feelings at Tampere Art Museum, Finland and for your charred bones and restless soul, Aboa Vetus, Art Nova, Turku, Finland (2019). She is the 35th recipient of the Young Artist of the Year 2019 title and award. Forthcoming projects include Glasgow International ja XXV Mänttä Art Festival 2021.

36 works