The Forest is Young and Full of Life

Kokko Jaana

The Forest Is Young and Full of Life is a film which consists of parallel conversations representing different perspectives. The fictive and factual footage weave together to form a whole that sheds light on urban people's relationship to animals, nature and the built environment.

Production Year
Original Title
Metsä on nuori ja täynnä elämää
Finnish Title
Metsä on nuori ja täynnä elämää
English Title
The Forest is Young and Full of Life
Production Countries
Aspect Ratio
Jaana Kokko (Author), Jaana Kokko (Director), Jaana Kokko (Script), Outi Vuoriranta (Actor), Alice Jäske (Actor), Jussi Lehtonen (Actor), Joona Pasurinen (Actor), Iris Séraphin (Actor), Tony Multanen (Actor), Samy Kramer (Camera), Taiteen keskustoimikunta (Funder), Botkyrka Konsthall (Funder), AVEK (Funder)
Press Photos
Jaana Kokko is an artist, filmmaker, teacher and occasional curator based in Helsinki. In her practice, she is now in the search of the common: the emergent need for the change that is starting from our practices of art making, learning and being together. Currently she is working with two bodies of films both located in the peripheries, trying to shift the gaze to the outskirts of the sight and hear. Her work has been exhibited e.g. at the Lithuanian National Gallery in Vilnius, Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga, Tallinn Art Hall, Helsinki Art Hall, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Joensuu Art Museum in Finland, Lappeenranta Art Museum in Finland, Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival, Tampere Film Festival and Tokyo Media Art Festival. She is and has been teaching and lecturing e.g. at the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Turku Art Academy, Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn, Latvian Academy of Arts, Riga and Akademie der Bildende Künste, Nürnberg.