Four Lessons in Anatomy
Koski Kaisu
The work explores the visual culture of medicine and the role of drawings in anatomy teaching. The medical students and teachers of the University of Alberta draw on paper the visual parameters of skin, heart, lung, bones, and female reproductive organs. The lessons are personal forms of expression that contrast with anonymous, standardized diagrams in anatomy books. Some of the lessons’ elements are deconstructed to highlight the terminology and the choreography of the drawing process.
Production Year
anatomy, body image, drawing (artistic creation), experimental films, medicine (science), parts of the body, science, stories, study, teaching and instruction
Original Title
Four lessons in anatomy
Finnish Title
Neljä anatomian oppituntia
English Title
Four Lessons in Anatomy
Production Countries
Aspect Ratio
Kaisu Koski (Author), Kaisu Koski (Cinematographer), Kaisu Koski (Director), Kaisu Koski (Editor), Kaisu Koski (Script), Kaisu Koski (Sound Design), Suomen akatemia (Funder)
Press Photos
Kaisu Koski is an artist-researcher with background in media art and performance. She earned her doctoral degree with a dissertation "Augmenting Theatre” on interactive performances and installations in 2007 in the University of Lapland. Koski is an Adjunct Professor of Arts-based Research in Tampere University, Finland. She collaborates with scientists, clinicians and engineers, and currently carries out a project developing films for medical curricula. Koski’s work has been exhibited in platforms such as Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Hasselt Triennial, The Lab in San Francisco and the Czong Institute for Contemporary Art in Korea, and received multiple official selections on the film festival circuit.
15 works