Preclinical body

Koski Kaisu

The video piece is a poetic documentary exploring various representations of the body offered in the medical curriculum, moving through discovery learning, clinical skills and anatomy lab experiences. The images and sounds involved derive from interviews with medical students and their clinical teachers in the University of Alberta. The piece simulates the discovery-learning situation, in which the students gather around the table to solve medical "mystery". The scenario, introduced by the teacher, unfolds one page at the time intertwining an actual trauma situation in the ER and a calm discussion in the classroom. Parallel space-time dimensions and the various roles as a patient, doctor and nurse juxtaposed with the learning situation with different personalities form a multi-layered text in which various rhythms, intensities and styles alternate.

Production Year
Original Title
Preclinical body
Production Countries
Aspect Ratio
Kaisu Koski (Author), Kaisu Koski (Cinematographer), Kaisu Koski (Editor), Kaisu Koski (Script), Kaisu Koski (Sound Design)
Press Photos
Kaisu Koski is an artist-researcher with background in media art and performance. She earned her doctoral degree with a dissertation "Augmenting Theatre” on interactive performances and installations in 2007 in the University of Lapland. Koski is an Adjunct Professor of Arts-based Research in Tampere University, Finland. She collaborates with scientists, clinicians and engineers, and currently carries out a project developing films for medical curricula. Koski’s work has been exhibited in platforms such as Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Hasselt Triennial, The Lab in San Francisco and the Czong Institute for Contemporary Art in Korea, and received multiple official selections on the film festival circuit.