
Mediabox is a space for AV-arkki member artists to show their new media art works for free. The space is offered as a collaboration between AV-arkki and the Forum Box space for art.

MEDIABOX is a free space suitable for showing media art projections and small installations. Only AV-arkki’s member artists can apply to show their work in Mediabox. The exhibition spots are applied for once a year. Member artists will be informed when the space opens for applications in the news letter for members.

The programme is curated by AV-arkki and Forum Box and showcases new Finnish media art. Premieres and recent works are given preference in the selections. Mediabox is an important channel for new, experimental narrative.

The space and technical equipment are free for the artists.

Mediabox exhibitions change once a month. When possible, discussion events around topics relevant to the shown work and/or meet the artist-events are included in the programme.

Mediabox is located in the Forum Box space for art. Check the opening times at:
Address: Ruoholahdenranta 3a, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

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Archive of past exhibitions at Mediabox