Distribution Catalogue 2016-2017
Single channel works have been selected for the Distribution Catalogue 2016–2017 by guest curator, Chizuru Usui(Happy Tent Japan), together with AV-arkki’s staff.
Petteri Cederberg: With Colour – With Sound (2016 | 00:05:28)
The stop motion animation is the artist’s personal attempt to portray infinity “with colour – with sound”. The concept of infinity is both fascinating and frustrating. How can something be infinite? Is there something beyond infinite? Infinity can be approached with imagination or mathematics – yet it can never be attained. Each frame of the animation is a painting or a drawing. The soundtrack is composed of manipulated recordings.
Sasha Huber & Petri Saarikko: Remedies – Rongoã (2016 | 00:06:00)
There is a long tradition for various methods for healing – the individual, the collective, society or nature. Artists Huber and Saarikko choreographed this performance or video action during a residency in Wellington, New Zealand, much inspired by the local Maori culture, but also by the imminent threat of nature – earthquake and tsunami – against a city which is located on the very edge of a potential disaster. The participants of the collective performance are also co-authors of the work.
Jan Ijäs: Social Connection (2016 | 00:12:58)
The film’s dialogue has been copied from online forums as is, with no editing. Many times these “faceless” online conversations end up to a very surreal limbo.
Jonna Kina: Secret Words and Related Stories (2016 | 20:12)
The video piece is composed of anonymously collected passwords and stories behind them, read by young actors between 12 and 16 years old. Each of them stands in front of a red backdrop and reads from a single sheet of paper personal confessions, childhood memories and clichéd rationalities. These are thoughtful, humorous, and emotional stories about a chosen word that often discloses personal information, which is the antithesis of its purpose.
Elena Näsänen: Whoosh (2016 | 00:07:50)
Sometimes you need to step into the unknown to confront yourself. An old Art Nouveau villa attracts a 17-year-old girl. She escapes from school’s drawing class to explore the villa more closely.
Jani Ruscica: Conversation in Pieces (2016 | 00:21:00)
Like a sprawling, inconclusive conversation, ‘Conversation in Pieces’ enlists six objects to reflect upon issues related to representation.
Azar Saiyar: History Bleeds Under Your Fingernails (2016 | 00:07:20)
We used to believe that being left-handed could lead to criminality, stupidity, and immoral behaviour. So we tried to educate our children not to use that hand. History Bleeds Under Your Fingernails is a short film on the history of taming the left hand and on the culture of cultivating the bodies that do not fit.
Minna Suoniemi: Horizontal Dance (2016 | 00:02:46)
Leopard-covered legs into limbs of living flesh, trying to hang in there, to exist through human body. Animal in disguise, or human dressed to allow the animal to emerge. A hypnotic opening, beat boxing mouth, partying puma.This body, this bodily existence, have it, own it, want it, move it. Move.
Milja Viita: Q (2016 | 00:06:07)
The artist’s firstborn son transformed, in the blink of an eye, into a young man. Q is a conceptual film about forces that change the world. Q takes us to the end of the worlds, the depths of the ocean and to the ruins of Atlantis. Q’s destruction is the road to new growth — it is the only promise of continuity and the emergence of new nations. Q is shot on 16 mm film whose surface has been hand-coloured. But what or who is Q?
Timo Wright: Embrace (2016 | 00:04:03)
An abandoned house, furniture strewn around, discarded. Slowly a red smoke starts to pour in through the doors. Eventually the whole house is engulfed with the smoke that hides everything from our sight.
Samuli Alapuranen: Drag Me to Kempele (2017 | 00:08:00)
Kempele is a grey hole located in the northern part of Finnish Ostrobothnia. It neither pulls in or pushes away the flow of traffic that trickles through it via the E4 motorway. It is ordinary. It is flat. It is very difficult to come up with any more adjectives describing it. Drag Me to Kempele is a portrait of a mediocre town where people shop, exercise or drive through on their way to North or South. You can visit Kempele at 64.9129° N 25.5035° E.
Pink Twins: Overlook (2017 | 00:05:27)
Impossible architecture, an ancient burial ground and a lure for psychotic janitors were the building blocks of Overlook Hotel in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. In this story vignette, chaos animators Pink Twins add zero gravity and a rupture in time-space continuum to the mix and serve a taster of subtle cosmic horror.