Speech Karaoke

Speech Karaoke Action Group

Speech Karaoke is a technological platform and an expanding catalogue of famous (and not so famous) speeches turned into karaoke versions. During hosted club events audience can choose freely from the 600 speeches and perform them for other audience members. For the 65th International Oberhausen Short Film Festival Mika Taanila and Speech Karaoke Action Group created a set list of 51 film-related speeches. The selection ranges from well known speeches given in movies to obscure manifestos about films and film-making. This set of FILM SPEECHES is especially suitable for film festivals. You can download a catalog of this set from this link.

Production Year
Original Title
Speech Karaoke
Finnish Title


English Title

Speech Karaoke

Production Countries
Speech Karaoke Action Group (Author), Speech Karaoke Action Group (Cinematographer), Speech Karaoke Action Group (Director), Speech Karaoke Action Group (Editor), Speech Karaoke Action Group (Producer), Speech Karaoke Action Group (Script), Speech Karaoke Action Group (Sound Design)
Press Photos
Speech Karaoke is an artistic collective formed in 2009 for the sole purpose of propagating the idea of Speech karaoke to the world. With an ever expanding catalogue of speeches about 100 events were held so far, at Film Festivals, Art Exhibtions, Night Clubs, Sport Bars, Cruise Boats. In 2018 SKAG hosted the First Noble Speech Prize with a Gala event.