Sacr3: Eternal Return
Pallasvuo Jaakko, Puolakka Anni
”Again, I have nothing to lose. / I have lost everything again.” An unnamed woman breaks up with her extraterrestrial lover and runs away to Italy in search of new meaning. Seasons change while she repeats old familial conflicts, makes experimental video art and is haunted by the idea of eternal return. Will our lives recur in the same form infinitely, with no escape?
Production Year
criticism, emotions, experimental films, extraterrestrials, falling in love, families, fiction, freedom, hope, hopelessness, human relations, Humanoids, Italy, masks, media art, nihilism, philosophy of art, seasons, separation (interpersonal relations), surrealism, video art
Original Title
Sacr3: Eternal Return
English Title
Sacr3: Eternal Return
Production Countries
Jaakko Pallasvuo (Author), Anni Puolakka (Author), Anni Puolakka (Cinematographer), Jaakko Pallasvuo (Cinematographer), Anni Puolakka (Composer), Anni Puolakka (Director), Jaakko Pallasvuo (Director), Jaakko Pallasvuo (Editor), Anni Puolakka (Editor), Jaakko Pallasvuo (Producer), Anni Puolakka (Producer), Anni Puolakka (Script), Jaakko Pallasvuo (Script), Jaakko Pallasvuo (Sound Design), Anni Puolakka (Sound Design), Mayo - (Actor), Jaakko Pietiläinen (Actor), Anni Puolakka (Actor), Wilhelm Blomberg (Actor), Koneen säätiö (Funder)
Press Photos
Anni Puolakka (born in Oulu, Finland) is based in Helsinki and makes performances, videos, installations, drawings and texts in which biographical materials are incorporated into fictional worlds. The works play with the boundaries and potential of human animals as they seek meaningful and vibrant – sometimes drowsy or dirty – involvement with other beings, objects and surroundings.
8 works
Jaakko Pallasvuo is an artist. Pallasvuo makes videos, texts, performances and installations that explore the anxieties of being alive now, and the prospect of living in some possible future. In recent years Pallasvuo's work has been presented at The New York Film Festival, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Kunsthalle St. Gallen and Jupiter Woods, among other places.
5 works