Year of the Rooster (installation)
Arlander Annette
Part 1. The artist is walking with a red scarf on her shoulders past the camera from left to right, from South East towards North West on the western cliffs of Harakka island, 48 times, approximately once a week 8.1.–31.12.2005. Part 2. The artist is standing with a red scarf on her shoulders with the camera behind her on the Western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea 48 times, on the same occasions. Part 3. The artist is standing with a red scarf on her shoulders with the camera behind her further down on the Western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions. Part 4. The artist is sitting with a red scarf on her shoulders with the camera behind her on the Western cliffs of Harakka island looking out to sea, on the same occasions. Part 5. The cliff on Harakka island, shot 48 times on the same occasions.
143 works