Featured image from: Maija Tammi & Charles Quevillon: The 1m3 Human Experiment (2018)
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Annette Arlander: Sunday with a Pine – with text (2017, 08:12)

”On Sunday, September 24 2017, I gave a performance with a pine in Nida, The Curonian Spit. I was sitting in the tree for a moment every second hour between 08:00 AM and 08:00 PM. The notes written after each visit have been recorded and added as a voice-over in this video diary.”
Annette Arlander: Walking in Nida (2017, 22:22)

Six walks in the pine forests in Nida on the Curonian Spit between September 7 and 10 2017 are combined in order to depict the experience of the landscape.
Pia Andell & Mina Laamo: Four Trick Pony (2020)

Four Trick Pony (2020) is a video installation constructed of the personal film and video archives of two documentarists. Based on prime numbers, the work uncouples itself from the bonds of documentary cinema, the tradition of narrativity, and the logic of causality. It never repeats the same twice.
Anne Lehtelä: Claim Road Aurajoki (2019, 108:09)

Claim Road is a continuous series of works based on running. At the exhibition place, the work will be shown as a live stream of the progress of the run. In a work detached from materiality, public space is conquered through action. Claim road Aurajoki is a snippet recording from a 3-day live streamed run.
Okku Nuutilainen: Framed (2017, 22:41)

Three seagulls fly in the fog, each in their own video projection. The framing of the images changes as the seagulls are kept in the centre of the images. In a black space, the projections create the sides of a white cube, that almost comes together over and over again.
Nina-Maria Oförsagd: Arrangement Non-Existent (2020, 09:00)

Arrangement non-existent is a short film on how time is experienced now, in motion, at place. During an improvised performance in a selected location, two characters become connected through movement, and their movement grows into a larger pattern combined with sound, poetry, and words. Isolated from each other, the cross-disciplinary ensemble has individually developed the artist’s archive material further. The resulting piece brings together these different elements: moving image, poetry, music.
Nina-Maria Oförsagd: Breaks at Dawn (2019, 21:10)

In Breaks at Dawn we move in the hours when it is dark and nothing happens, outside of everyday reality in an interstice before a metropolis wakes up. What happens in the surroundings when time has no relevance?
Nina-Maria Oförsagd: Castle Series – Corridor (2018, 10:50)

In Castle series, the ensemble investigates the historical layers of a room and uses the stories that they find. Through improvisation as working method, the stories echo out through the movement, text, tone, images made in the room. In the castle where they worked, there had been a paranormal reading. Often the haunting can appear as a disturbance in technical equipment.
Maija Tammi & Charles Quevillon: The 1m3 of Human Experiment (2018, 20:00)

The 1m3 of Human Experiment is a vivid, claustrophobic, and possibly an occasionally nauseating artwork that examines the problematic separation of mind and body and questions the trustworthiness of our senses. In the work, a human confined in a square box tries to make sense of his world. A cable coming out of his mouth connects him to a simulation surrounding him. The work combines performance, audio, and video art. It is a collaboration between Canadian composer and performer Charles Quevillon and Finnish visual artist Maija Tammi.
AV-arkki is a non-profit artists’ association. It was founded in 1989 and now has over 250 Finnish or Finland-based artists as its members. AV-arkki’s main purpose is to distribute Finnish media art to festivals, events, museums and galleries within Finland and internationally.