Orange Event by Elina Brotherus screened at Magic Lantern Film Festival, MAXXI Museum, Rome

Elina Brotherus’s Orange Event (2017) will be screened at Magic Lantern Film Festival, held as a part of the Video Art Week of MAXXI museum of contemporary art in Rome. The festival takes place on Saturday, November 23.

Orange Event is part of the series Règle du jeu, consisting of video reconstructions of score events by FLUXUS and other artists. Orange Event is based on Bengt af Klingtberg’s Orange Event no. 16: “Regard two or three oranges for a long time.”

Elina Brotherus works in photography and moving image. Her work has been alternating between autobiographical and art-historical approaches. Photographs dealing with the human figure and the landscape, the relation of the artist and the model, gave way to images on subjective experiences in her recent bodies of work Annonciation and Carpe Fucking Diem. In her current work she is revisiting Fluxus event scores and other written instructions for performance-oriented art of the 1950s-70s.

Magic Lantern Film Festival, November 23 2019, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy

More information: MAXXI