Jussi Eerola’s Blue Honda Civic (2020) and Maija Tammi’s The Problem of the Hydra (2020, in featured image) were selected for the experimental competition of Festival Tous Courts, held in Aix-en-Provence, France, from November 30 – December 4 2021. Both works are included in the competition programme 1, screened on Thursday, December 2, at 16:00 in Amphithéâtre de la Verrière.
The romantic landscape paintings often portrayed weather condition, topography of national landscape, religious themes, spirituality of nature and hunting scenes. Blue Honda Civic is a minimalistic road movie mirroring the emotions of the driver through the landscapes (s)he has chosen to look at.
The Problem of the Hydra is an experimental documentary film about the practical and metaphysical problems a small fresh-water polyp, known as Hydra, has caused since the 1700s to the present day. Contrary to most animals, Hydra vulgaris does not age – at all.
Festival Tous Courts, November 30 – December 4 2021, Aix-en-Provence, France
More information: Festival Tous Courts