Lauri Ainala is a Savonlinna (Finland) based writer, video and sound artist and musician. Ainala is best known as one of the key members of the mysterious experimental forest folk entity called Paavoharju, but he has also long career as solo artist. In his works, he contemplates on issues of general human existence through his own experience by using documentary and fiction in an inseparable tissue: a docufiction. His works have a recognisable character of self-taught DIY-mentality, rough and sudden humour in a state of romantic decadence with a strong supernatural feel to it. These same elements appear in his music, films and texts. Ainala is also a founding member of SLUT, Savonlinnan Uusi Taidemuseo (eng. New Art Museum of Savonlinna) and founder of esoteric group Savonlinnan palvojat (Savonlinna's Worshippers).