Viitahuhta Marja
What happens when old beliefs and modern times collide and we create new relationships with old cultural signifiers? In Sieidi, Ánnámáret builds a relationship with the sieidi, an offering place and its being by yoiking. Yoiking makes the siedi true and strengthens its power. The video shows Samuli Paulaharju's archive photo from 1930 of the sieidi located in Dierpmesvárri, Enontekiö. The photo is shaped by various digital collage techniques and effects. The piece is a cameraless film created from a single stock photo by digitally editing it into a time lapse animation. The stone seems to multiply in the image, covering itself and becoming visible again. The shape of the stone in the picture is remembered even when it is not visible in the picture. Ánnámáret’s experimental yoik is accompanied by Turkka Inkilä and Ilkka Heinonen.
Archive image: Seita, Terbmisvaarri, photographer Samuli Paulaharju, year 1930, source, organisation Museovirasto, collections Samuli Paulaharjun kokoelma and Kansatieteen kuvakokoelma.
21 works