Family Portraits in the Blink of an Eye
Oikari Elina
Family Portraits in the Blink of an Eye video installation examines the relationship between painting, photography and moving image as a form of a portrait. In four scenes, the performers, some of them family members, look a long while in the camera or to the side. All scenes are united with a single blink of the eyes, the only movement of the performers during the scenes. The illusion of "still image" is emphasized by the framed projections and the compositions of the performers.
Production Year
composition (visual arts), families, human being, installations (works of art), media art, performance (art forms), photography, portraits (works of art ), still lives, video art, video installations
Original Title
Family Portraits in the Blink of an Eye
Finnish Title
Perhemuotokuvia silmänräpäyksestä
English Title
Family Portraits in the Blink of an Eye
Production Countries
Elina Oikari (Author), Elina Oikari (Cinematographer), Elina Oikari (Director), Elina Oikari (Editor), Elina Oikari (Script), Elina Oikari (Sound Design)
Press Photos
Elina Oikari is a filmmaker who works with fiction, documentary, and alternative film. She has graduated with a Master of Arts from the ELO Film School Finland in Aalto University majoring in documentary film directing (2014). Oikari's work often explores current social themes connected with timeless places and stories. Using a sharp palette of absurd humor and reflective visual language she aims to push the boundaries of cinema.
5 works