A Spring Bright Evening

Orlow Benjamin

A Spring Bright Evening is a live action animation with a musical score performed by the academic fraternety choir, Brahe Djäknar. The film is set inside a, for many, closed and secretive world that plays a formative role in contemporary society through networking and tradition-making. It shows etiquette and gestures that are codified to become signifiers of belonging. In combination with the footage, historical and contemporary stereotypes and narratives are shown and referred to, touching upon issues of identity, ethnicity, cultural heritage and class structure, while also examining the relationship between masculinity and class-aspiration. The film shows a part of society that is normalised enough to be invisible, but functions as a closed group that has turned the attributes and attire of western elitism into their tribal uniform and mode of expression.

Production Year
Original Title
A Spring Bright Evening
Finnish Title

A Spring Bright Evening

English Title

A Spring Bright Evening

Production Countries
Benjamin Orlow (Author), Benjamin Orlow (Cinematographer), Frans Rinne (Cinematographer), Brahe Djäknar (Composer), Benjamin Orlow (Director), Benjamin Orlow (Editor), Benjamin Orlow (Producer), Benjamin Orlow (Script), Brahe Djäknar (Actor), Suomen Taiteilijaseura (Funder), Föreningen Konstsamfundet (Funder), Svenska Kulturfonden (Funder), Benjamin Orlow (Sound Design)
Press Photos
Benjamin Orlow, born in Turku, Finland, currently lives and works in London. He holds an MFA degree from Goldsmiths College from 2012. Orlow works mainly with video and public sculpture. His work has recently been shown at ICA London, Kunsthalle Münster, Fahrenheit Los Angeles and the Tetley Leeds.