Matti Harju’s Ecstasy (2023, in featured image), Antti Tanttu’s Noli Timere (2022), Jenni Toikka’s Prelude Op. 28 No. 2 (2022) and Jussi Eerola’s Grashopper (2023) are screened at Rencontres internationales, taking place October 30–November 5, 2023 in Paris, France. Timo Wright’s VR documentary Everyday Realities is included in the festival’s VR selection “Disrealities, collages and utopia”, open in Fondation Fimico on Sunday, November 5.
Matti Harju’s Ecstasy is shown in the screening Le temps de l’innocence on Tuesday October 31, 2023 at 8pm in the CWB Cinema. Set in the darkest time of the year, a feverish and delirious film about a small and ever-shrinking island – the Ecstasy – located somewhere between the search for pleasure and the inherently destructive powers of capitalism.
Antti Tanttu’s animation Noli Timere partakes in the screening Cet obscur objet de la conscience on Tuesday October 31 at 4pm at the CWB Auditorium. Noli Timere is a work about the experience and emotion of fear or anxiety. What is common or private in those feelings and what do they have in common? The work contemplates on the collective fear and its elements.
Prelude Op. 28 No. 2 by Jenni Toikka is shown in the screening Non concordance on Tuesday October 31 at 6pm in the CWB Auditorium. During a single long shot, we see two people taking turns playing the piano and listening alternately. The uninterrupted playing and single shot capture the event in one temporal moment, but as the camera moves and two people change places, time is equally layered. When watching the other playing, can you feel your own hands and fingers on the keys?
Jussi Eerola’s Grasshopper is screened in the screening titled Espaces communicants on Tuesday October 31 at 4pm in the CWB Cinema. In Grasshopper: Night falls down on empty business premises – and lights go up! A minimalistic musical.
Timo Wright’s Everyday VRealities is an “open world” -type free movement virtual reality documentary about different kinds of homes, families and lifestyles. You can walk freely through the 3D-scanned homes and see the on-location volumetrically captured everyday moments.
Rencontres internationales, October 30–November 4, 2023, Paris, France
More information: Rencontres internationales
AV-arkki has promoted and distributed Finnish media art since 1989. AV-arkki’s promotional efforts have made the artists’ participation in this event possible. If you want to hear the latest news from our distribution, subscribe to our newsletter!