Panu Johansson’s Water Tower Symphony (2023) was selected for the principal competition of Ribalta Experimental Film Festival, held from March 14–17 2024 in Modena, Italy. The film will be screened on Saturday, March 16, at 11:30 in the screening “METONIMIE, architettura ed ecologia dello sguardo” (METHONYMS, architecture and ecology of the gaze)
Water Tower Symphony is a tribute to Finnish water towers and the memories associated with them in the form of an experimental film. These slowly disappearing surreal eye-catchers of the local constructed environment deserve to be depicted through art – they deserve a visual symphony of their own.
Panu Johansson is a contemporary artist and experimental filmmaker from Finland, working with moving image and sound. Some important influences and reoccurring themes in Johansson’s work are the history of avant-garde/experimental film, but also cultural history in general.
Ribolta Experimental Film Festival, March 14–17 2024, Italy
More information: Ribolta Experimental Film Festival