Pink Twins’ Overlook (2017) will be screened in November at two different film festivals in Seville and Quebec.
Held from November 3–11 in Seville, Spain, Festival de Sevilla is dedicated to European cinema. Overlook will be screened in the special programme “The Dark Side“. The screenings take place on Saturday, November 4, and on Monday, November 9.
In Québec, Overlook is competing in the international competition of Sommets du cinéma d’animation. Held from November 22–26, the festival focuses on animation in all its forms, from heritage films to new media by way of current production.
Overlook had its international premiere in the international competition of Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Impossible architecture, an ancient burial ground and a lure for psychotic janitors were the building blocks of Overlook Hotel in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. In this story vignette, chaos animators Pink Twins add zero gravity and a rupture in space-time continuum to the mix and serve a taster of subtle cosmic horror.
Pink Twins is a duo of visual artists and electronic musicians, brothers Juha (b. 1978) and Vesa Vehviläinen (b. 1974), based in Helsinki, Finland. Active as Pink Twins since 1997, their videos work on the crossing of visual art and music. Live Pink Twins deliver improvised digital soundscapes, often combined with video screenings. Pink Twins have shown their works in exhibitions and festivals in all continents and performed audiovisual live shows through Europe, Americas, Asia and Australia.
Festival de Sevilla, 3.–11.11.2017, Seville, Spain
Sommets du cinéma d’animation, 22.–26.11.2017, Québec, Canada
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