New short fiction, music and dance films in AV-arkki’s archive / Autumn ’23

Featured image: Karolina Kucia: We Bites Us (2023)

Discover AV-arkki’s latest acquisitions for our online archive below. For professional preview, please register to see the full-length versions.

New short fiction

Risto-Pekka Blom: Last Call (2024, 09:57)

Risto-Pekka Blom: Last Call (2024)

The lawnmower, the vacuum cleaner and the tram are using up the last of electricity man has left behind on earth. Man behaving badly has finally been evicted from Earth, which is a good thing for other species.

Shachindra Dass: Home (2022, 08:21)

Shachindra Dass: Home (2022)

The walls of our home feel strong enough to protect from outsiders. It provides comfortable isolation. The occupants may fear their own subconscious fragility. Safety of the home is an illusion associated to a tiny space that we own and call our home. That space is within a bigger space called nature, no matter how hard we try to re-enforce it with material.

Joonas Hyvönen: Sematectonia (2024, 15:00)

Joonas Hyvönen: Sematectonia (2024, 15:00)

Sematectonia is a 3D animation where a character scoring basketball throws behind his back finds himself stuck in a loop in which he, as if cursed, keeps producing the same content over and over again, aware of his situation but unable to stop. As the environment becomes even weirder, the protagonist must confront it as something that exists not only for him but rather with him. Sematectonia considers online spaces as stigmergic areas of interaction between users and the environment. However, the environments in the work acquire features referred to by Timothy Morton as hyperobjects, and develop their own active agency.

Juhani Koivumäki: Homo sapiens (2024, 07:17)

Juhani Koivumäki: Homo sapiens (2024, 07:17)

Homo sapiens is a short film about a family whose entire life happens in their home. They have no contact with their species partners and live under constant surveillance. The family knows nothing but the prevailing circumstances. Not even the viewer knows who is watching them.

Karolina Kucia: We Bites Us (2023, 17:25)

Karolina Kucia: We Bites Us (2023)

Common… Public…Private… Bodily fluids and body parts seem to have life on their own, rebellious, foreign and unwilling. A group wanders through a monstrous shape-shifting reality, in the grey zone in between life and death, the present and the future, the human, cannibal, and cyborg existence.

New dance films, music videos and visuals

Carolin Koss: Gravitate (2022, 03:50)

Carolin Koss: Gravitate (2022)

When facing the dark side of life or our mind, it can feel like a gravitational force that pulls down below, a never-ending storm, a blow of fate. Darkness exists because there is light on the other side. After the storm follows the calm, and fate can change. The song is about transformation and finding an inner gravitational force that will guide the way. It has a cinematic build-up and intensifies towards an orchestral arrangement in the end. A journey that is dark and dramatic, yet has an uplifting spirit. Gravitate is the second single of Carolin Koss as a solo artist. The song was produced by Yaroslav Ivanov.

Carolin Koss: Free Fall (2022, 03:14)

Carolin Koss: Free Fall (2022)

Life is like flying from branch to branch, trying to find a nesting place. Seasons change and sometimes it is necessary to release oneself for a free fall. Free Fall is the third single of the solo artist Carolin Koss. The song was produced by Yaroslav Ivanov.

Carolin Koss: Firefly (2021, 02:57)

Carolin Koss: Firefly (2021)

Firefly is the debut single of Carolin Koss as a solo artist. The song is about navigating through dark spaces, facing fears, embracing pain, letting go and starting new. Carolin Koss is a Helsinki-based, German singer-songwriter, who started to sing from a very early age inspired by her dad’s huge record collection and passion for music. Her artistic upbringing shaped her creative versatility in art, filmmaking and music throughout the years. She sings in different bands ranging from alternative rock and electro-techno to psychedelic doom. With her dark and dramatic yet calming and mesmerizing voice, she touches the realms of melancholia, dream pop and dark indie.

Niina Lehtonen-Braun: The Last Tango (2022, 04:45)

Niina Lehtonen-Braun: The Last Tango (2022)

The Last Tango is the wistful closing song of Olento Orchestral’s album Anatomia, with lyrics by light and video artist Jari Haanperä. Composed by Tellervo Kalleinen, the song was written during a joint exhibition trip between Haanperä and Kalleinen to South America back in 2004. The enchanting ink animations in the music video are the work of Berlin-based visual artist Niina Lehtonen Braun.

Mario Lopes: Movimento III – Celebration | Post-Tsunami Foams (2021, 01:15:52)

Mario Lopes: Movimento III – Celebration | Post-Tsunami Foams (2021)

Movimento III – Celebration | Post-Tsunami Foams is to speculate our future as Black bodies. The work investigates celebration as a discipline, a tactic. Celebrating as a way of coping with reality by surviving with dignity. Celebration is not the cure, but the path. Three localities intersect: Bela Vista, Helsinki and São Paulo. More than geographical places, they are places of non-linear time, of the intersection of existences, memories, futures to come. 

Marja Viitahuhta: On the Other Side (2023, 05:12)

Marja Viitahuhta: On the Other Side (2023)

Nuppi bealde is a yoik in which the spirits of Saivo, the two-bottomed lake, are brought forth. The Sámi musician Ánnámáret‘s yoik melody first carries the video piece with a soaring treble, but as the piece progresses, it sinks into the depths, accompanied by Ilkka Heinonen’s jouhikko (finnish bowed lyre). The soundscapes created by Turkka Inkilä first create an image of twinkling clocks, frost and spaciousness, but later shatter and are reborn in another form, creating an image of a different kind of world. The visual material of the work is a combination of ice, water, the spreading of watercolor paint and drawing animation, where the real elements of the landscape are multiplied and repeated and the black and white landscape is colored, fragmented and transformed. The video is part of a series of video works that Viitahuhta has made in collaboration with musicians Ánnámáret, Ilkka Heinonen and Turkka Inkilä. The song heard in the video was recorded for the album Ánnámáret: Nieguid duovdagat.

Marja Viitahuhta: Bálvvosbáiki (2023, 07:07)

Marja Viitahuhta: Bálvvosbáiki (2023)

Bálvvosbáiki (place of worship) continues a series of video works created by Marja Viitahuhta in collaboration with musicians Ánnámáret (yoik), Ilkka Heinonen (jouhikko) and Turkka Inkilä (electronic music). The work is based on questions of human relationship with the environment, the wanderer’s mindset and the changing sense of time, as well as the Sámi world view in which people should take into account the heritage of past generations and preserve the conditions of life for future generations. The cross images and slow motion visualize the content of the wordless yoik. A tapestry of sounds created by Turkka Inkilä and Ilkka Heinonen’s jouhikko sing alongside the yoik.

AV-arkki has promoted and distributed Finnish media art since 1989. AV-arkki’s promotional efforts have made the artists’ participation in this event possible. If you want to hear the latest news from our distribution, subscribe to our newsletter!