Vesa-Pekka Rannikko’s Multi-Faith Prayer Room (2020, in featured image) and Saara Ekström’s & Eero Tammi’s Biblion (2019) are included in the programme of Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival (NEMAF), held from August 20–28.
Vesa-Pekka Rannikko’s Multi-Faith Prayer Room will be screened on Sunday, August 23, at 15:00. Animated drawing Multi-faith Prayer Room combines limbo zones of travelling to assosiativeness of memory. Constantly shaping animation juxtaposes images from transit areas of airports and humanised birds to fragmented written narration. The starting point of the work is Heathrow airport’s hybridised prayer room.
Saara Ekström’s and Eero Tammi’s Biblion will be screened on Monday, August 24, at 14:40. Running in three parallel images in black & white and colour, and complemented with an evocative soundtrack, Biblion is a poetic study on the medium of the book. A nocturnal mood leads way to a dreamlike world, where no reading is required and where books are dreaming of their own disappearance.

Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival (NEMAF), August 20–28 2020, South Korea
More information: NEMAF