Mini Kino Film Week has a wide selection of works from finnish media artist such as Helka Heinonen, Joel Kappanen, Anssi Kasitonni and Leena Pukki. The films are part of the festivals international competition. Mini Kino Film Week – Bali International Short Film Festival is held in Bali, Indonesia on September 2-10 2022.
The Time of a Slime Mold (2021, in featured image) by Leena Pukki the movement of slime mold is combined with pattern subjects selected from Karelian thread blankets. Slime molds are primitive Amoebozoa organisms that can move even they do not have a brain or nervous system. The poem heard in the background expresses themes of time, circulation and decomposing. The film will be screened on Sunday 4 at 3 PM in Irama Indah Minihall and on Monday 5 at 8:45 PM in Rumah Belajar Komunitas Mahima.
The Swirl (2022) by Helka Heinonen examines boundaries on the turning point of growing up. At the end of the school year, a 12-year-old girl gets an exceptional gift from her teacher, a trip up north. They travel together. As an adult, she re-examines her experience. The work studies sensitively the complex experience and telling it as a story. The screening of Heinonen’s film is on Monday 5 at 9:30 PM in MASH Denpasar and Wednesday 7 at 6:45 PM in Irama Indah Minihall.
Joel Karppanen’s A Nature Documentary (2021) is an essay film about simulated nature, forest animals, nature photographers and national parks, that combines ecocriticism and image critique, archival and modern day footage, natural soundscape and electronic birds. This film will be screened on Sunday 4 at 8 PM in Dusun Pagi, Area Warung Pisaga; on Monday 5 at 8 PM in Genius Cafe Sanur and on Wednesday 7 at 4:30 PM in Irama Indah Minihall.
In Le Saboteur (2022) by Anssi Kasitonni an ex-saboteur gets back in the game and every trick will be exposed! A short action film about the joint adventure of indie filmmaking – with all the special effects. Le Saboteur is part of the international competition as well as the inclusive program. The film will be screened on Saturday 3 at 9 PM in Irama Indah Minihall and on Tuesday 6 at 10:30 AM in Alliance Française Bali as part of the international competition. The screening as part of the inclusive program will be on Sunday 4 at 1:15 PM in MASH Denpasar and On Tuesday 6 in Alliance Française Bali at 7 PM.
Mini Kino Film Week – Bali International Short Film Festival, September 2-10 2022, Indonesia.
More information: Mini Kino Film Week.
AV-arkki has promoted and distributed Finnish media art since 1989. AV-arkki’s promotional efforts have made the artists’ participation in this event possible.