Leena Pukki’s The Time of A Slime Mold at Manipulate Festival, Edinburgh

Leena Pukki’s animation film The Time of A Slime Mold is screened in the International Shorts program of Manipulate Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland taking place from 12-15 February, 2025. Manipulate Festival is an annual celebration of excellence in animated film, puppetry and visual theatre. The programme features an eclectic range of boundary-pushing performances and screenings across many visual disciplines.

In The Time of A Slime Mold (2021) the movement of slime mold is combined with pattern subjects selected from Karelian thread blankets. Slime molds are primitive Amoebozoa organisms that can move even they do not have a brain or nervous system. The poem heard in the background expresses themes of time, circulation and decomposing.

Leena Pukki (b. 1984) is a visual artist who is interested in cultural hegemonies, relationship between human and other species, history, utopias, feelings and power relations. Pukki received her MA from the Aalto University 2015 and BA from Lahti University of Applied Sciences Art Institute in 2007.

Manipulate Festival
Edinburgh, Scotland
12-15 February, 2025

More information: Manipulate Festival | International Shorts

AV-arkki has promoted and distributed Finnish media art since 1989. AV-arkki’s promotional efforts have made the artists’ participation in this event possible. If you want to hear the latest news from our distribution, subscribe to our newsletter!