A selection of Finnish media art is is screened as a part of MOI Helsinki event in Beijing from May 13–15. The programme is curated by Kaisa Salmi and features both single channel video works and multi-channel installations by a number of AV-arkki’s member artists.
MOI Helsinki celebrates 10 years of sister-city relationship between the cities of Helsinki and Beijing. The cultural event takes place at Xidan Cultural Square and is free of charge.
The works of the video art programme are:
Sari Tervamäki: Endurance
Tommi Matikka: At the Feet of Something Unknown
Heidi Saramäki: Once upon a time
Annette Arlander: Day and Night of the Snake Swinging
Noora Geagea: Struggle
MOI Helsinki, Beijing, May 13–15
More information: MOI Helsinki