Minna Rainio’s and Mark Roberts’ To Teach a Bird to Fly (2020) will be screened at dotdotdot Open Air Kurzfilmfestival, held from July 30 – August 31 2023 in Volkskundemuseum, Vienna, Austria. The screening of To Teach a Bird to Fly takes place on Monday, August 7 at 20:30 in the programme “Closer than Ever: Exercises in Being Close.“
To Teach a Bird to Fly is a story of a woman who spends her youth raising the critically endangered Northern Bald Ibis – eventually flying with the birds on their migration journey across the alps. As her story unfolds, a parallel narrative connects her actions with the effects of the climate crisis, offering us a lifeline of hope for a very different future.
Minna Rainio and Mark Roberts create short films and moving image installations that combine aspects of documentary and fiction filmmaking. Their new short film “To Teach a Bird to Fly” (2020) looks at climate change and bird extinction. Rainio and Roberts’s films have been widely exhibited in Finland, Europe, the United States and South America, and have been shown in the official selections of numerous international film festivals.
dotdotdot Open Air Kurzfilmfestival, July 30 – August 31 2023, Vienna, Austria
More information: dotdotdot Open Air Kurzfilmfestival
AV-arkki has promoted and distributed Finnish media art since 1989. AV-arkki’s promotional efforts have made the artists’ participation in this event possible. If you want to hear the latest news from our distribution, subscribe to our newsletter!