Our catalogue offers a diverse portrait of recent single channel art works by artists and filmmakers based in Finland.
AV-arkki’s Distribution Catalogue 2019–2020 is intended for professional preview. The catalogue is distributed via AV-arkki’s international distribution programme for professional audiences in numerous events, film festivals and art fairs world wide.
Single channel works have been selected for the Distribution Catalogue 2019–2020 by guest curator, Rachael Rakes (US), together with AV-arkki’s staff.
The selection consists of the following titles:
Hanna Arvela: Bird’s-eye View (2019| 05:31)
Maija Blåfield: The Fantastic (2020| 29:59)
Laura Horelli: Newstime (2019| 39:11)
Joonas Hyvönen: Bog Body (2019| 16:41)
Jonna Kina: Akiya (2019| 04:50)
Minna Långström: The Other Side of Mars (2019| 56:00)
Jaakko Pallasvuo: Medusa (2019| 22:20)
Vesa-Pekka Rannikko: Multi-Faith Prayer Room (2019| 05:13)
Iona Roisin: Muistatko (A Method) (2019| 04:00)
Azar Saiyar: Tell Me (2019| 07:44)
Axel Straschnoy: The Finnish Astronautical Society (2019| 33:00)
Pilvi Takala: If Your Heart Wants It (remix) (2019| 15:03)
Salla Tykkä: Untitled (White – Alps) (2019| 01:08:00)
Milja Viita: When We Are Nothing Left (2019| 07:11)
The whole catalogue can be found on our website. Please request a password for the online catalogue from AV-arkki’s staff. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and don’t forget to check back for the new and improved pages soon!
Featured image from: Joonas Hyvönen: Bog Body (2019)