Our distribution catalogue for 2021–2022 is available online. Please request access for the our online service here.
AV-arkki’s Distribution Catalogue 2021-2022 is intended for professional preview. The catalogue is distributed via AV-arkki’s international distribution programme for professional audiences in numerous events, film festivals and art fairs world wide.
More information about our services and price list here.
Distribution Catalogue 2021–2022
Single channel works have been selected for the Distribution Catalogue 2021–2022 by guest curator, Boris Nelepo (Russia), together with AV-arkki’s personnel.
Matti Harju: El Centro (2021, 07:14)

Young Anon discovers the digital, binary root of everything during a school trip to New York and comes to a surprising conclusion. An associative and abstractly structured video about the boundaries of communication in the hinterland between analog and digital – a study at gaps between looking and understanding. The mixed form of the work reflects the current space of apparent intangibility and connection: How the past is encoded in the specific recording media and how it behaves after the radical equalization by the internet. The image, with its combination of an analog video signal with forms of compression, produces a kind of aesthetic that emphasizes nostalgia and alienation.
Flis Holland: Subserotic Bulge (2021, 17:42)

In 2019 an iron meteorite was filed to dust, stirred into cream, and fed to 36 people. Flis’s uterus was rife with tumours soon after. Their belly swelled as a fleshy block pushed its way out at astonishing speed. From the first poke of a finger, to WebMD, to x-rays, every diagnostic tool came up short. But Flis’s telling of it is rather different to the medical notes. The video asks about diagnosis, and how certain people’s testimony is dismissed as unreliable. From meteorite falls to trans experiences of the medical system, it’s a documentary that slips into sci-fi – and it’s not always clear which part is which. Headphones recommended if screened online!
Joel Karppanen: A Nature Documentary (2021, 10:37)

An essay film about simulated nature, forest animals, nature photographers and national parks, that combines ecocriticism and image critique, archival and modern day footage, natural soundscape and electronic birds.
Anssi Kasitonni: Deus ex machina (2021, 04:00)

The illusion breaks down when the viewer can see the strings.
Jenni & Lauri Luhta: The Deluge (2021, 81:20)

Syndafloden (“The Deluge”) is the first full-length film by Jenni and Lauri Luhta. It is based on Leonardo da Vinci’s more than 500-year-old prophecies and riddles, which in the film are narrated by Swedish-speaking Death, played by Jenni Luhta. The film shows the crises of the present world and the images of contemporary culture through Leonardo’s words and visions.
Minna Långström: Photosphere (2021, 16:38)

Photosphere revolves around the connection between a Hollywood studio film laboratory and a solar observatory during the era of celluloid filmmaking. It portrays Sara Martin, a solar astronomer who used film as research material up until the end of the 1990’s when it was abandoned for digital video. Photosphere combines archival footage from the film laboratory (Pathé Laboratories in Hollywood Hills) with the film footage Martin and her colleagues shot of the sun, as well as shots of the astronomer setting up her solar telescope in her garden.
Benjamin Orlow: A Spring Bright Evening (2020, 19:05)

A Spring Bright Evening is a live action animation with a musical score performed by the academic fraternety choir, Brahe Djäknar. The film is set inside a, for many, closed and secretive world that plays a formative role in contemporary society through networking and tradition-making. It shows etiquette and gestures that are codified to become signifiers of belonging. In combination with the footage, historical and contemporary stereotypes and narratives are shown and referred to, touching upon issues of identity, ethnicity, cultural heritage and class structure, while also examining the relationship between masculinity and class-aspiration. The film shows a part of society that is normalised enough to be invisible, but functions as a closed group that has turned the attributes and attire of western elitism into their tribal uniform and mode of expression.
Leena Pukki: Time of Slime Mold (2021, 09:50)

The movement of slime mold is combined with pattern subjects selected from Karelian thread blankets. Slime molds are primitive Amoebozoa organisms that can move even they do not have a brain or nervous system. The poem heard in the background expresses themes of time, circulation and decomposing.
Anni Puolakka: From the Heart (2021, 14:14)

Inside a sleeping human, Toxoplasma Gondii communicates. The parasite tells stories about its journey to the heart and a fatal encounter with a fetus. Toxoplasma gets excited when the human wakes and starts moving. Its life is one tour of intimacy. The human has dreams about moments with a baby, but the parasite has incorporated into her for a lifetime.
Azar Saiyar: Laila’s Apple (2021, 08:04)

Composed of archive footage and interviews, Laila’s Apple is a video work about childhood, growing up, learning and rules.
Mika Taanila: Failed Emptiness. Time (2021, 13:48)

Suddenly there is an enormous amount of time. At first everything is possible. Anything might happen. Gradually the possible becomes impossible.
Salla Tykkä: Europe – Europa (2021, 43:51)

Europe is a cinematographical study on the power and position of the auteur. It reveals how the means we use for describing and documenting the world simultaneously contribute to its change and reconstruction.